Isän Tyttö (Daddy’s Girl)

Isän Tyttö (Daddy’s Girl)

Melisa Üneri, FI 2015, 52 min

Screenings Cinema Next Europe 2016 (Programm Daddy’s and Mommy’s Girl)
Donnerstag 21. April, 21:00, City 2
Freitag 22. April, 14:00, Movie 3

Isän Tyttö erzählt von Rebellion, Erwachsenwerden und Loslassen. Die symbiotische Beziehung eines türkischen Vaters, Cengiz, mit seiner 26-jährigen halbfinnischen Tochter beginnt sich zu verschlechtern, als Melisa Finnland verlässt und in die Türkei zieht. Cengiz’ Unfähigkeit, mit Melisas Ausbruch umzugehen, löst eine Reihe ambivalenter Ereignisse aus. Die tragikomische Geschichte einer europäischen Familie.

Daddy’s Girl is a story about rebellion, growing up, and letting go. The symbiotic relationship between a Turkish father, Cengiz, living in Finland, and his 26-year-old half-Finnish daughter, Melisa, begins to deteriorate when Melisa moves to Turkey to start a life of her own. Cengiz’ inability to deal with Melisa breaking free starts a chain of ambivalent events. A funny, yet somewhat tragic European family tale.

Melisa Üneri, born in 1985, was raised in Finland. She received her Master’s degree in 2008 from the University of Exeter. After moving to her father’s homeland, she has been working in Turkish production companies. Daddy’s Girl is her first creative documentary. She is currently developing a humorous interactive documentary project, The Only Slut Around.

Drehbuch / Screenplay Melisa Üneri
Kamera / Cinematography Melisa Üneri
Schnitt / Editing Mesut Ulutas
Produzent / Producer Mika Ronkainen (Klaffi Productions, FI)
Weltvertrieb / World Sales Rise and Shine, Berlin


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