

Helen Hideko, 2018, 8 min

Ein schillernd-grüner, verwesender Vogel, eine fremdartig sprechende Alte und ein junger Mann, der in einen jenseitigen Wald gesandt wird, um eine mystische Kreatur zu töten. Bildgewaltig und hypnotisch entfaltet sich die filmische Hommage an Lewis Carrolls Nonsense-Gedicht Jabberwocky als fiebertraumhafte Version von Alice’ Reise hinter den Spiegeln. (Programmfolder on Tour Oktober 2019)

“Twas brillig, and the slithy toves / Did gyre and gimble in the wabe …” This is the setting of the fantastical nonsense poem Jabberwocky, which Alice comes across in Lewis Carroll’s second Wonderland novel, Through the Looking-Glass (1871). Ykcowrebbaj reimagines this story of a boy’s rite of passage in which he is sent deep into an other-wordly forest to slay a mythical creature. In honour of Carroll’s playful and poetic use of language, Ykcowrebbaj’s experimental visuals and sounds were created simultaneously as if in dialogue with one another. This – combined with mesmerising altered perspectives, hypnotic sound design and the beauty Kodaikanal, South India – brings to life a fittingly fever dream version of the author’s poem in which audiences are invited to follow the little green bird through the looking-glass and down into the depths of the human psyche.

Regie/Kamera/Schnitt Helen Hideko
Sounddesign/Tonmischung/Associate Producer Bernhard Zorzi
Produzent Steven Swirko
Colorist Lee Niederkofler
DarstellerInnen Kumaresan, Bharati Kapadia, Sravasti Banerjee

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